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Happy birthday, Teagan!

Here are a few pictures of her first year, along with the Lord’s blessings throughout. . .

September 21, 2008, 2 1/2 weeks before her due date of October 8th.
At birth- 7 lbs, 4 oz.
All cleaned up. . .

She was very jaundice. She had to sleep on a light bed for about 3 weeks after we brought her home. So thankful for God's provision in providing a smaller "bili-bed" that we could have in our home rather than keeping her in the hospital for that long.
At 3 months old, her first Christmas. . .

At 6 months old, eating solid food like a big girl. . .

At 5 months old Teagan was still not holding her neck steady nor rolling over. I knew something was wrong and mentioned it to her pediatrician. He referred me to BabyNet, South Carolina's name of the portion of the special ed law that covers children birth to age 3. Teagan qualified for physical therapy and this is her at almost 7 months old, sitting supported. Again, so thankful for the Lord's intervention. You can read about it here, here, and here.

Because of Easter Seals (who Teagan receives her therapy through), Teagan was able to receive a "season pass" to Monkey Joe's. Here she is in one of the infant inflatables. She is 9 months old in this picture. . . As you can see, she is now able to sit unsupported (but she is still very wobbly).

Teagan and her siblings at the beach. . . 9 months old

Happy 1st birthday! Teagan has 2 teeth on the bottom and is able to pull herself up to stand. She is also standing unsupported for short amounts of time. She will "cruise" along the furniture but has not taken any steps on her own. She is getting stronger every day. In addition to still receiving physical therapy, Teagan is also receiving Occupational Therapy once per week to help her overcome a mild fine-motor delay. She also has some sensory issues we are working on, particularly her tactile defensiveness (she does not like to be touched on or near her hands, and also does not like the texture of certain things, such as thicker baby food). But, overall she has made great progress thanks to her EI, Crystal, and her PT, Kathy, both of whom she adores (and so do I)!


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Teagan!!!!

Eversole Crew said…
Wow...she has come a long way in a is wonderful to see how God has worked in her life this year! Happy Birthday Teagan!

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