We’re home! I’ll have another post at a later time detailing the remainder of our trip. For now, I am excited to share some news- Th has his first loose tooth! It began bothering him while we were away, and then on the drive home, he discovered it was wiggly. He is so excited, and he just had to call someone on the phone to share his news. However, he now refuses to eat anything that’s not soft or easily swallowed. He starts school in 2 weeks. I took him school shopping yesterday afternoon between church services so I could take advantage of the tax-free weekend. I picked up actual school supplies a couple of weeks ago, so yesterday was for clothes and shoes. It was just the two of us, and we had a nice time. He is getting more vocal on his likes and dislikes regarding the clothing he wears, so I think he liked having an opinion on the clothing we bought. On our way home, we stopped and got a milkshake to make our afternoon more special. I can’t believe how quickly he is growing up- wa...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .