I try to read my Bible every day (I set aside time during the kids’ nap time) and I try to read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month. For example, today I read Proverbs 19. I have been doing this for several months, so this is not new material for me. Yet, for some reason today, the words in verse 3 seemed to jump off the page at me. I don’t know why they seem so clear to me. Here’s what is says: “A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord.” That is so true! I know in the past, before I learned I needed to have the mind of God, that I felt that way at times. Think about all the stupid decisions, mistakes, etc. we have made, I have made, and how God receives the blame. Also think about all the blessings He bestows on us yet we take the credit. I know not every bad thing that happens to a person is because of a foolish decision, but in most cases, this is true. Think about drug users. They make a foolish decision to do so, and the...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .