Conversation I overheard this morning between my boys. . . Ta: “Where’s the crale?” (in his Southern accent) Th: “Where’s the whale?” Ta: “No, where’s the crale?” Th: “Where’s the mail?” Ta: “No! Where’s the crale?” Th: “Where’s the nail?” Ta: “NO! Where’s the crale? A-R-H-O-T-B. Crale.” (he’s attempting to spell what he’s trying to say because he overhears TJ and me spelling things when we don’t want the kids to know what we’re talking about.) Th: “Oh, where’s the grill?” Ta: “Yes, where’s the crale? It was really cute to overhear. It put a smile on my face and made me chuckle a bit, and I’ve been thinking about it all day because to hear them get along together is something that occurs few and far between (as anyone who has young children understands). ************************************************** T.G. had her ENT appointment this morning. Not sure when, but she will be having tubes put in both ears, her adenoid removed, and a procedure called an outfracture done. The doc explai...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .