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Showing posts from May 29, 2007

I'm Back

I have had such a great morning despite the bickering between the boys. We went over to a friend’s house from church so I could get some godly parenting advice and tips. This woman also has 2 boys who are 2 years apart, and since they are older than mine, she knows exactly what I’m dealing with because she has experienced it with her own children. Additionally, she just recently resigned as the nursery coordinator for our church, so she knows my children extremely well and was able to provide me with some sound advice based on their personalities. I wrote before that I am doing a personal Bible study, and I have been convicted of my sins as a parent since the first page. She did the same study and encouraged me to keep going. She was such a huge blessing to me today, and I am so thankful to have such godly influences in my life. As I was leaving her house, I told her how much I appreciated her time. I honestly have already begun to put into practice some of what I learned today, and I ...