"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." ~John 9:3 As you are aware, CDH is a little-known birth defect, that, according to Breath of Hope, Inc (2007), occurs almost as frequently as Cystic Fibrosis and Spina Bifida. Several families I know (some in person, some through the Internet ) have been greatly affected by this. Out of compassion for them and my love for children (especially those with disabilities!), I am trying to help spread the word about CDH. With a minimal investment of time, you can help, too. CDH families and friends are trying to get March 31 declared as CDH Awareness day and we are asking for your help! If you would like to participate, please email cdhawareness@breathofhopeinc.com and you will be forwarded a sample letter and the Proclamation to mail to your governor. Please help us to bring this horrible birth defect to the attention of everyone and no...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .