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Showing posts from April 15, 2008

It's been. . .

One of those days. I lead a bible study with friends of mine from the MOMS Club. Now, I don’t believe in coincidence (I believe everything happens for a reason) but every time I have bible study, my kids seem to act worse on these particular days. I don’t really know why- maybe it’s because people are coming over and they think they can get away with more, or if it’s Satan trying to discourage me from holding it, or what. But, whatever the reason, today has been no exception. I woke up early so I could straighten up a bit. I had planned to do it last night before bed but I was too tired. Also, I had to mop my kitchen floor because I spilt a full cup of milk last night at supper (yes, it was me who spilt it!). We obviously cleaned up the liquid but the sticky mess needed to be mopped up. I figured I’d wait until morning after letting the dogs outside. So, I did my chores before showering and got myself ready. Then I dressed and fed T.G. and got everyone loaded up in the van. We had some...