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Showing posts from October 9, 2007

Laundry and Spiders

Of all of the many chores I do as a wife/mother, laundry is probably my most dreaded. Perhaps it is because it seems to be never-ending; there are always clothes to be washed. I have been the type to only do laundry once per week for that very reason: I hate it and couldn’t possibly bear the thought of doing laundry every day. I should clarify that I don’t really hate laundry. I have no problems with sorting clothes, putting clothes into the washer and/or dryer, or even getting them out of the dryer. No, my problem is folding them. I do okay for the first 4-5 loads. After that, it’s all downhill. I fold laundry on my bed, so what usually happens is that any clothes that happen to get washed/dried after load 6 is left in the laundry basket until Wednesday, Thursday, or even Friday. By then, it’s slim pickin’s because we’ve picked through the basket, finding and wearing the necessary item of clothing. I’m usually left with a handful of stray socks, underwear, and a few shirts or shorts....