As Vacation Bible School approaches in less than a week, I feel so ill-prepared and it's my own fault. Yes, I have prepared the materials and decorations and incentives for learning Scripture and good behavior (candy, books, pencils, and other rewards), but I have been lacking in prayer. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have been praying, but the overwhelming sense of responsibility has recently hit me and I feel like I haven't prayed enough. When I say 'responsibility', I don't mean in the physical sense, I mean more in terms of spiritually. I will be in charge of approximately 35 third and fourth grade boys for an entire week. Some of these boys may not attend church. Some may not come from a loving home. For others, this may be the most attention they will receive all summer until school begins again and their teacher is there to pick up the pieces from their shattered home life. My attitude and demeanor can greatly influence how receptive these boys are to the Gosp...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .