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What did you say?

Conversation I overheard this morning between my boys. . .

Ta: “Where’s the crale?” (in his Southern accent)

Th: “Where’s the whale?”

Ta: “No, where’s the crale?”

Th: “Where’s the mail?”

Ta: “No! Where’s the crale?”

Th: “Where’s the nail?”

Ta: “NO! Where’s the crale? A-R-H-O-T-B. Crale.” (he’s attempting to spell what he’s trying to say because he overhears TJ and me spelling things when we don’t want the kids to know what we’re talking about.)

Th: “Oh, where’s the grill?”

Ta: “Yes, where’s the crale?

It was really cute to overhear. It put a smile on my face and made me chuckle a bit, and I’ve been thinking about it all day because to hear them get along together is something that occurs few and far between (as anyone who has young children understands).
T.G. had her ENT appointment this morning. Not sure when, but she will be having tubes put in both ears, her adenoid removed, and a procedure called an outfracture done. The doc explained the outfracture (with the aid of a drawing) as basically opening up the breathing space in her nasal cavity (or thereabouts- I had Ta and T.G. with me and it was difficult to concentrate). While I was there, I had the doc look at Ta’s ears because we’ve been having difficulty with them, too. I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve slept for more than 5 hours, let alone more than 3 hours at one time. Either Ta or T.G. (usually both) have been waking in the middle of the night for the past month. I have been having terrible headaches because of lack of sleep, but enough about me.

So, Ta’s tube in the right ear fell out about 2 months ago or so. The hole has healed up and his eardrum is back to normal. The doc removed the tube out of his left ear today because it was about to come out anyway. Both of his ears, like T.G.’s, are full of fluid and causing negative pressure behind the eardrum. In turn, both have suffered a moderate hearing loss (oh, that was another test we had to do today). T.G. favors her left ear and Ta his right, although both ears have loss. Hopefully after T.G. has her tubes in place her hearing will return. I have to take Ta back in 6-8 weeks to see how he’s doing. If there is still fluid behind his ears, he’ll have to have another set of tubes. Of course now my main concern with both of them is permanent damage to their hearing, but I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

The other test we had done today was allergy testing on Ta. He would not allow the nurse anywhere near him so she ended up having to do the tests on his back. The tests came back normal (good news, I guess) but his back hurts from the prongs. He had a rough morning and was physically and mentally exhausted when we got home at lunchtime. I was/am pretty distraught over the course of events that transpired this morning, but I suppose that this is another opportunity for me to really put my faith to the test. Of course tubes and surgery don’t seem like a big deal, and they’re not, it’s the hearing loss that I am upset about. Again, I know about hearing loss and the learning/speech/language/social deficits that accompany hearing loss. Will my kids need hearing aids at an early age? Will they do well in school because of it? I guess more and more I am just becoming uncomfortable with being away from my kids for extended periods of time. Anyway, my heart is heavy for them tonight, and if you think of it, pray for there not to be any permanent damage.


jenn said…
I can so picture the boys having that conversation!! That made me smile this morning!

I hate to hear about everyone's ears. Hopefully once the tubes are in place, things will get better. I'll be praying for no loss of hearing, and that you will have a night of 8 hours of sleep!!
Mrs. Carney said…
Thanks! Last night I hadn't even been in bed for 30 minutes before T.G. woke up. I got her settled back in her crib about an hour later (about 1:30AM) when Th came in our bed. About 5AM, Ta woke up crying so TJ brought him in our bed, too. Needless to say, it was another rough night. Hopefully I'll be able to get to bed before 11PM tonight. . . although I doubt it!

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