I haven't shared anything recently about Teagan, her therapy, or the progress she's made in terms of her developmental delays. Teagan was recently evaluated by our local school district to see if she qualified for speech therapy. She will soon be turning 3 and will be discharged from BabyNet, South Carolina's service provider for children birth to age 3. At age 3, children who still need to continue with services are then picked up by the local school district. Teagan, thankfully, has met all of her goals and does not qualify for services under the school district. The only concern is that she sometimes stutters, but it's mainly when she is rushed to speak or excited about something. Some of my other kids went through a stuttering phase so I am hopeful she'll work through it. In early June, I decided to spend the summer working on potty training with her. It took Th and T.G. about a month to really get the whole potty thing down, and considering the delays Teagan...
Seeing God's blessings in everyday life. . .