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Showing posts from August, 2011

Teagan Update

I haven't shared anything recently about Teagan, her therapy, or the progress she's made in terms of her developmental delays. Teagan was recently evaluated by our local school district to see if she qualified for speech therapy. She will soon be turning 3 and will be discharged from BabyNet, South Carolina's service provider for children birth to age 3. At age 3, children who still need to continue with services are then picked up by the local school district. Teagan, thankfully, has met all of her goals and does not qualify for services under the school district. The only concern is that she sometimes stutters, but it's mainly when she is rushed to speak or excited about something. Some of my other kids went through a stuttering phase so I am hopeful she'll work through it. In early June, I decided to spend the summer working on potty training with her. It took Th and T.G. about a month to really get the whole potty thing down, and considering the delays Teagan...

Couponing 101

I have an opportunity to share all that I've learned about couponing by teaching a mini-class to a group of friends of mine in the MOMS Club. Although I am by no means an expert (I've only been doing this for about 2 months myself), I am excited about this opportunity because 1) it's a way for me to help others be good stewards with the money they have and 2) we can support and encourage each other in our attempts to save money. Couponing, for me, is a way to contribute to my family financially without having to "work" outside of the home. I use the word "work" loosely because couponing does require time and effort in order to be successful, but so does everything. =) It's not a good feeling to always be spending money that I didn't earn, even if TJ and I are married. I'm not trying to start a debate about the fact that when we married, he agreed to take care of me, etc. I'm just saying that when I worked and had an income, spending mon...

Lollipop Kids

I have been participating in this sale as a consignor or shopper since the Fall 2006 sale, making this my 10th season.  The current owner, MaryHelen, is a fellow homeschool mom and I appreciate all the ways she tries to help people save money, especially in today's market economy.  She has low consignor fees, plenty of volunteer opportunities to earn the coveted "pre-sale shopping pass", and although consignors' set their own prices for the items they sell, most are high quality at a great value.  Check out the website for the complete schedule, including half-price day!

Family Planning

Whenever I am out in public with my children, I am often asked if I am going to have more children. I have even been asked if I believe in birth control (although, thinking about it, that is a very personal question to be asked by a stranger!!!).  I thought I would address my "beliefs" here. First of all, the bible clearly states that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127). Also, the Lord opens and closes the womb in His timing (just read the accounts of Leah and Rachel in Genesis). Any woman who has become pregnant and then had a miscarriage or stillbirth is proof of the Lord opening and closing her womb; it was not her choice or timing but rather all in the Lord's hands. Keeping these biblical viewpoints in mind, here are my beliefs. TJ and I do believe in birth control to a certain degree. We use barrier-method contraception (condoms and I am waiting to be fitted for a diaphragm) as opposed to the hormonal types (the pill, the patch, the shot, the ring, etc)...


We will be welcoming Taryn Eileen sometime this upcoming December... Pray for me as the Lord obviously believes I can handle another girl, although I have my doubts. ;)