I took a counseling class through my church a couple of years ago with the hopes of serving the Lord through counseling women involved with a ministry called Tender Hearts House of Hope. Things changed after I learned I was pregnant, then learned I was pregnant with twins, and then of course losing one of the twins. My heart was heavy with grief and sadness, and I simply didn’t think I was mentally capable of taking on another woman’s problems when I myself was struggling.
That all changed this past January when the Lord really got a hold of my heart. He showed me that I have a lot to offer in terms of “life experiences” that could be beneficial to other women. When the opportunity arose for me to once again become involved with THHH, I agreed to be of service whenever the need for counseling arose. Well, on Tuesday I was informed that I could begin counseling on Wednesday evening if I wanted. I accepted, but of course I was nervous. I can’t write a whole lot about my counselee, but I will say we had some things in common.
Wednesday evening went well, and I was encouraged by her willingness to share with me. Although I won’t be counseling her any longer since she has left THHH, I did benefit from my time with her. I learned that if I start taking someone through a quiz tract, I need to make it a priority to complete it. We simply ran out of time and I assigned it to her as homework. From now on, I am going to do the quiz tract first to ensure we have ample time to go through it in detail. I also learned that I need to write with a ball-point pen and not a felt-tip for purposes of carbon copies.
My time with my counselee was ordained by God and He knows her heart as well as my desire. I don’t know the purposes He has for her (or me, for that matter) but I do know the Lord will continue in His sovereignty over all. I’m thankful for that!! =)