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Study Day

Tomorrow begins my finals. I take my first of 5 exams in the morning. I have 2 on Thursday, 1 on Friday, and my last exam next Monday. I have reached the point in the semester where I cannot think any longer; my brain is fried and I have lost all motivation. I simply cannot learn anything else, so studying is difficult for me. It is at this point in the semester where I fully rely on the Lord for His strength and wisdom. Rather than study, all I can do is review my notes and pray the information I have been learning over the past 16 weeks comes to the forefront of my mind on exam day. Every semester I reach this point, but the Lord is faithful and has allowed me to do well in the past. I have a 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA), and at this point, it would be nice to finish out both the semester and my degree with that GPA, but I am okay with getting a ‘B’.

I am also praying about the future and what is in store for me. I planned on beginning graduate school part-time to work on my Master’s degree while teaching. I am not sure if I will teach in the school district full-time or if I will perhaps look into something else part-time. A former professor of mine is the lead Special Ed person for the school district and is looking for teachers. I spoke with her last night and she is interested in me starting as early as May and finishing out the school year because there are 2 teachers going out on maternity leave then. On the other hand, one of my current professors suggested I apply to become a graduate assistant, meaning I would go to graduate school full-time and work in the Special Education department at the University assisting professors and helping in the field of research. It would be an awesome learning experience as I would present at state conferences and attend national ones. Plus, as a grad. assistant, my tuition is paid in full, and I would receive a small stipend for working. It’s not a huge amount of money, but it would help cover the cost of childcare while I am in school. Additionally, by attending full-time, I could finish my degree in 3 semesters rather than 6, saving me time and money. It’s definitely worth looking into and not surprisingly, TJ fully supported the idea.

So, if you think of it, please pray the Lord would open the necessary doors for me as to what He wants me to do and close others if it is not His will for my life. Both options sound promising and exciting, but I want to be in God’s will doing whatever it is He has planned. Also pray for me this week to have clarity of thought and a sound mind while taking my exams. Unfortunately, sometimes I get so nervous my mind draws a blank. I pray before every test I take, and often that helps to calm me. But, there are instances where I simply cannot recall the necessary information and leave items blank or incomplete. Because of the nature of the courses I am taking this semester, I need to do well as they are directly related to teaching.

Thanks for the support!


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