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Best Friends, Sorta

Man, this week has flown by for us! Ta has hit two developmental milestones that have greatly affected his relationship with Th, and contributed to the peace among the family: he learned to wear flip-flops and how to pump his legs on the swing!

These are HUGE milestones for him as he was getting tired of always relying on someone me to have have to help him with his sandals and push him on the swing. Trust me, I was just as tired of having to help him! This morning, not too much before 9am, both boys were outside as I was doing laundry and other stuff downstairs. I had the windows open so I could hear and see them, and for almost an hour, they just swung together and talked. It was nice to see them relating so well. Not being close in age to either of my siblings, this type of bond is something I always wanted my own children to experience, and thankfully, they are.

I later found out they were talking about Carowinds, an amusement park in Charlotte, because we are headed there tomorrow for the first time since last summer. To say they are excited is an understatement! Ta is my daredevil, and was very disappointed last year when he was denied access on a roller coaster because he was too short. He is very small for his age, so hopefully he's grown enough to be able to ride this year. The roller coaster is all he talks about!

Speaking of small, T.G. had her 18-month check up yesterday. She finally hit the 20-pound mark! She weighs 20 pounds, 2 ounces! The doctor jokingly stated I could turn her car seat around now, knowing we turned it back in February or March- she was about 15 months old, because she was getting tired of staring into the back seat. She didn't meet the weight requirement but she was close; I think she weighed almost 19 pounds then. Anyway, she is still in the 5th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. My little peanut!

I have a headache today but am drinking a Mountain Dew Code Red because the doctor said what I was describing sounded like a migraine and caffeine could help. So, I am trying this with Tylenol to see if it will. If not, I received a prescription for a pain medicine but it is a narcotic and I don't want to take it unless I can go lay down.

That's about it for now. I've made a couple of meals to freeze for when I have the baby. I am going to make a third one now, plus a pizza for dinner. The boys are headed outside to, yep, you guessed it, swing! Have a great weekend!


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