Well, the big day is tomorrow. T.G. has her surgery and I get the results of my hCG levels. My stomach is in knots for both. A student on campus just died this past week from complications with anesthesia, which is my biggest fear for T.G. I know the procedures themselves are routine, but I hate that she is being put under at such a young age. Besides tomorrow's events, I have 2 tests this week that I have to study for, and a fairly large assignment due on Wednesday. On top of this, TJ is fighting a chest cold, and is currently napping on the couch (a sure sign he is sick- he never takes naps!). Part of me wishes I could just crawl in bed and sleep for the next 24 hours, but of course that is neither possible nor responsible. Sometimes being a grown-up stinks! Of course, as you read in the previous post, I also have to deal with selfish family members trying to make everything about them. I am truly torn over what to do tomorrow when I get the results and after T.G.'s surgery. Do I share how things went with this particular person through email, or do I wait until either myself or TJ gets a chance to call her personally? With him not feeling well, he doesn't want to deal with her either, so I just don't know what to do. Any suggestions? Please keep us all in your prayers, especially over the next 24 hours.
Thirteen Things about South Carolina Mom 13 jobs I have held. . . 1. Special Olympics Swim Coach Best job ever and very rewarding! 2. Preschool/Youth swim instructor My first job (I volunteered until I got hired on at the Y, then I was paid.) 3. Lifeguard This was my first paid job. 4. Crew Chief/aircraft mechanic on the KC-10 I loved it- I saw the world on this plane and pushed myself the farthest mentally and physically I ever have or ever will again. Of course I missed my family and friends, but if I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat. 5. Debrief personnel I talked with aircrews after they landed about their flight/mission. I learned the logistical side of flying. 6. Tool Crib personnel I gave the mechanics tools for various jobs needed to fix the airplane. I also inventoried and ordered new tools, and that was fun. Until this job, I had no idea that tool companies have a representative drive around in a truck full of tools for people to use and try. It was during t...
Let me know how everything goes tomorrow.....feel free to email me!
(that was supposed to make you smile...hope it worked!)