I feel like I am sleep-walking. I am mentally drained. This has been a difficult week for me. I started the semester Wednesday, so I now have the added responsibility of school along with my other duties as a wife and mother. The lack of sleep this week is getting to me, too. Last night was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time. I was asleep by 10:30 and didn't wake until 6:20. Almost 8 hours!
Watching the children went better than expected. My verse for the day was Philippians 4:13. I woke up at 2:30AM because I was paranoid I wouldn't hear my alarm go off at 4:15, so from 2:30 -4:15 I just sort of dozed for about 20 minutes at a time. During this time I prayed and prayed that the Lord would give me the patience and endurance I would need to face the day. I also prayed He would allow the children to behave (mine, not the others). God is good and answered my prayers! There was some fighting between my kids, but overall we had a good day. The sugery went well, too, so that was another answer to prayer.
Today is going to be relaxing. We are going to my sister's house at the beach this weekend so I need to wash and pack for that. I am excited to see her, and get back to the beach!
I'll write more later!